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Movie Marathon

Talked to Charlotte last Monday. I told her that i will go for a movie marathon on the coming Wednesday. And i would like to have the run by only myself. Whats the feeling when you are laughing or chucking or sighing or tearing alone? But i do think the strangers sit beside you do have resonance… with you, by the very moment. But … lastly, Cob didnt go for the run. Busying with the final course works. Thanks, i finished them by the Friday, and watched the Very Very Touching and “Contented” movie – Inception. The flow of the story was fast and .. Cob did hold her breath MANY TIMES for MANY SCENES. Excitements yea!

Owh, Cob LOVEs ARTHUR~ And Cob thinks that the director might be another one who falls for COBALT XDDDD

And for Today, Cob went for another Movie SALT with MissX. Well, MissX hadn’t been watch a single for few months. She did missed out a lot of good one. Cob strongly recommend her Inception; do hope she will go for it soon? Because Cob knew that it will be her type.

SALT is a sad one. For me. The actions did not impress me a lot, but what Salt was experienced is… so SAD [ sorry that Cob dont have any better adjective vocab]

Had a great time with MissX. As Cob been long time to lose the chance to be so “talkative” as like today.

Well! Is time to get ready for another long run! On K-book!

Another sleepless night (-)Zzz

Cob is wondering… When will the praying start…? It used to be amplified by 5.30 am, but Cob didnt hear a single piece of sound of it…

Gonna install PS4 to the little netbook soon. But Cob is afraid that the little netbook cant afford the excessive ram consumption… Aiks, Cob is missing little Rumm… Anyway, the work has to be start soon. New start new approach… on a very old plan XDD

Yet a small achievement should be made within two weeks time, within the darn boring examination period. The correct mood always come out on the wrong time! Yea Cob clearly understand that it is a way to escape from the bored and aimless lifetime. Excitement is needed. As well as satisfaction.

Con heard the pray, on 5:54:22 am.

歌 the song

根本【读】不进。。  一段段的文字映入视觉, 被大脑解释的讯息就只有 — 【一大片的图像】。

因为小Cob在听。 不知不觉就把眼睛闭上。 睡了~~~

可是听的感觉还是有的。 不能自拔地重复 mihimaruGT 的 Ai Kotoba, 希望有梦。

好想看漫画啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!! 最后看的漫画是虫师, 小Cob的配歌 – Ai Kotoba, 会有一定的悲伤感。 Ai Kotoba 尤其让由贵的漫画很有感觉, 不能在晚上边听边看, 小Cob会入魔~~

渴望的 :

Dgrayman – 听说终于重开了!!

火凤燎原 – 搁了好久哦

话说 Abingdon Boys School 的 Howling 和 Dress 就超适合拿来配 Dgrayman 的!

哦, Buck-Tick 的 Dress 就一直让小Cob放不下梦食见闻的沉重。。

最近有去看看听听一些Visual_k团的歌, 说真的。。 不错的音乐, 难听的嗓音哈哈~ 可能不会听吧?还是比较爱Pop Rock~

也好想去一趟CC~~  回想以前一Gang上晚上到三更半夜到临早上到tbr喝茶, 一排过 — 没有Dota, 只有漫画和歌 。。 真是托Hostel的烂线, 和本身没电脑的福啊~~ 话说回来, 小Cob还真佩服自己那没电脑的两年~ 是怎么过来的啊? 感谢那一Gang哈哈~ 那个时期是属于Hitman REborn的哈哈哈!!!

会奇怪吗? 若去CC只听歌看漫画。 小Cob是会花这笔钱的阿宅。 对他们的想念!


Stranger 陌生人


  • 电梯男孩的比手划脚q(@w@)9
  • 电梯security guard说电梯很sayang小Cob ~( =w=)~
  • 巴士坐在隔壁的印度auntie的美丽微笑~( =v=)~
  • library guard的Hello Sherly ( =w=)|||
  • 板面档的: “OO!! 爆jor lo!!…..Eiei?? 好彩某事~~” 【也不会帮小Cob拾一下==】

有时会很不好意思leh~~ 就只能笑笑哈哈哈~~~ 不过感觉是。。。不错啦~~

就不知道为什么 o(=v=)o

Own style?

嗯嗯, ALian 说very very ur style, 说真的, 小Cob很高兴听到这句话!! 就好象拥有自己的东西, 哎哎~ 小Cob真的很想拥有更多更多可以代表自己的。。。东西?? 酱就可以更容易被了解。。。GUA~~

话说刚刚拿了两个朋友的功课啦, 然后就抄咯~~ Emmm, 明显看到steps的不同, 还有好像分段啦~ 解释啦~ 所以说: 要有自己的style可以很简单, 就自己做咯~~ 若好像小Cob在抄的, 就感觉在抄他人的style, 然后自己的style也会被埋没掉~~ 真的, 那感觉很不踏实吖~ 就自己懒嘛~ 可是其实。。。

哦哦,此style非彼style, 掩饰词来的~~

最近真的很粗心, 几乎每题答案都和解答有出入, 很怕。。 真的很怕。。 会很怕去做功课。。。 小Cob又在逃避了。。。


不可以看过去, 一定要看现在!! 小Cob在接受事实中咔咔咔咔~~~ 没能被人影响吗? 还是不肯被人影响? 小Cob是自傲的, 该如何改去啊。。。 那严重的自以为是~~~ 请不要说你了解, 那就是要小Cob接受是他就是那样的人啊~~~

胡言乱语, 小Cob血糖低, 很饿。。。

A letter to Rum O’ Mania members

To ROM kawan~~

Izzit ok to change my name to Weinzz? I found i like the name very very much~~ kakaka

rick with little chick

rick with little chick

Here r pieces of carter and rick.. Emm, yeap, they r drafts huhuhu~ Dun worry my frens, the manga still in progress, just wanna show u guys my character design =w=, as last time i didnt show the character design on Rick rite??

Very rough pics i knw, cos i dun have time to scan aiii…. Ermm, dunno y, designs here r quite different frm wat i draw for manga Aiiiii

Saw Xenne’s blog, walao y u so fast de wooooo~~

Alian i wan to see urs too~~~~

Dunno hows Hong’s work hahahah, Miki gonna give us more comments na~~~~

And New member Lily kakakaka!!!

by Rum the Weinzz

manga ver.

manga ver.




啊哈哈哈哈!!! 终于找到小Cob的account了~~不然不知又要荒废几久  Q[=w=]P 虽然在别处的blogger也在荒废着咔咔咔~~ 可是还是很爱wordpress的~~

话说小Cob难得闲来没事想写写废话~~ 就跑到wordpress, 就想说要login啦~

【username :】

【password :】

ooii?? 我的browser不是已经save到不要save料的咩?? 【某人大虾 (=w=) 其实已经format小rumm不知几次料】


几够力一下~ 不要说password啦~ USERNAME也可以忘记~~ 话说小Cob也以为要跟vain hopes永别的说~ 【泪奔~】

小Cob的脑还是有点料的~ 就去去hotmail, 在3800++的email, search on “wordpress”, 就… 出来了!!!!

Emm, 有点惊讶于那早期set的username — Weinzz (@w@)真的很想念!!

就说… 要开始放Rum O’ Mania的draft了, 哦哦, 还有小Cob的【晨】哪~~








英文很屎~中文也很屎~谁说左脑发达的人语文学习很快的??念了20年level one都没到!个人的左脑不太发达就是了。






现在的小Cob :





郁闷于不能在blogger编文,loading problem… 在wordpress编辑着
